FAQ: Booking Widget
Go to Promotion -> Banners & Links -> Find the Booking Widget and click on Get Banner Code -> Copy/paste this code to your website
The script has fields which you can change:
You can add any location inside "" field to have it as a pre-set on the widget. For example:
All locations can be found here: https://www.discovercars.com/locations
You can also use link generator for any location: https://www.discovercars.com/landing-page-generator
You can change the language to any, which is supported on our website: 15 total. Use 2 letters only. For example en, fr, pl etc.
Two options: on and off. The widget will be either with autocomplete or with drop-down fields.
In these 4 fields you have the ability to change all colors of the widget to fully customize it for your website. You can use HEX (example #FFFFFF) or text name of the colors (example red). Only CSS colors.
In this field, you can change the phrase on the Search button to any desired.

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